Continued from page 37
THE SCIENTIFIC FARMER And paying attention to different varietals—and the various
climates where they thrive—has been key to the quality improve- ments Hawaii coffee has been making. At Maui's Kupa'a Farms, owner Gerry Ross is producing seven different varietals. "We have a Red Catuai, Yellow Catuai, some of the Kona Typica, pink and yellow Bourbon of heirloom varieties," he says. "We also have some Mundo Novo [a Brazilian hybrid] and Guadeloupe, which is a French varietal from the Caribbean."
TASTE EXPLORERS: At Kupa'a Farms in Maui, co-owners Janet Simpson and Gerry Ross (a former research scientist) grow multiple varietals and frequently conduct taste experiments.
When Gerry and his wife moved to Maui, they wanted to devel-
op an organic farm that would grow a variety of fruits and veg- etables; in the process, they decided to grow coffee as well. The four-acre Kupa'a property is situated in the Maui town of Kula, in the middle of the island. The area has proven to be prolific, a fact that keeps farmer Ross on his toes. "Coffee is so enthusiastic it
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